Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thank You Lord for Saving My Soul

"Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?" John 4:29 ESV

When was the last time you gave God thanks for your salvation? If you are like me, you take it for granted at times. Do you remember the excitement of soul that you felt on that day of salvation? You wanted to run out and tell everyone you saw.

That is what happened to the Samaritan woman that Jesus encountered by Jacob's well in John 4. After a soul searching conversation with the Master, she left her water pot by the way and ran back to town to tell everyone about this mysterious man.

It is out of a overwhelming sense of gratitude that we tell others about Jesus Christ. We realize just what His death on the cross purchased on our behalf - deliverance from eternal hell and a relationship with almighty God.

There is an old hymn that simply says, "Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul, Thank you, Lord, for making me whole; Thank you, Lord, for giving to me thy great salvation so rich and free." To hear the song and see the words, click here.

This weeks post is short and simple. Express your gratitude to God for saving your soul by telling someone else about His love and mercy. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

I do thank God for my salvation. It so awesome to know that he really cares. My wife and I have been really going through a tough trial this year. However, by God's help and grace we will endure till the end. I hold on the these word; "I know the plans I have for you."

God is great, and worthy to be praised.

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